(Glenwood Ave Location)

The Vampire’s Lair
World Report headlines state: “Vampires Killing Tourists!” Hearing of this recent vampire activity, you and your thrill seeking friends travel to Transylvania in hopes of capturing video footage. While filming at Bran Castle, you discover that some of your friends are missing. You think you know where they are! As dusk approaches, you have 60 minutes to find them and kill the vampire or your fate awaits you …
PLEASE REMEMBER: If you do not book a private room, empty seats may be filled by other guests including children ages 11 and up.
Private bookings for the Vampire’s Lair is based priced at six players. If you click the private box when booking. It will charge you for six players. You will need to specify if you have additional players. If you have a seventh, eighth, ninth or tenth player you will be charged $26.50 (includes processing fee) for each additional player. This room holds ten players.
We recommend at least 5 players for this room.
Age: 11 and up
# Of Players: 4-10 people
Time: 60 minutes
Difficulty: 6/10

Professor Escape’s Potion Class
Can you Pass Wizard School?
PLEASE REMEMBER: If you do not book a private room, empty seats may be filled by other guests including children ages 11 and up.
Private bookings for the Wizard room is based priced at four players. If you click the private box when booking. It will charge you for four players. You will need to specify if you have additional players. If you have a fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth player you will be charged $26.50 (includes processing fee) for each additional player. This room holds eight players. We recommend at least 3 players for this room.
Age: 11 and up
# Of Players: 4-8 people
Difficulty: 8/10